Soft Chocolates | Tango-inspired fashion for women

by admin on November 15, 2013

I’ve just returned from the Albuquerque Tango Festival in New Mexico and I have to say it was a wonderful treat.  Not only were there top notch instructions and several milongas each hosted by the New Mexico tango communities which have some very lovely and friendly dancers.  There were delicious cakes served at each milonga too and with all the dancing, the calories just did not add up!

The venue was a beautiful historic adobe style with high ceilings, rustic beams and undulating walls of cream colored adobe.  The floors were of Sautillo tile from Mexico and the halls of the venue were lined with wonderful displays of fashions, jewelry and shoes to adorn your tango body with.

Big shout out to Jorge Nell, who has been in attendance with his excellent quality shoes since long before I first began my tango addiction, he scuffed up the soles of my brand new shoes so that I wouldn’t slide on the slippery new leather and saved me from potential embarrassment.

Heart Love

Speaking of tango body, there were also several massage therapists on hand to wring out the tension from the long hours of dancing.  I stopped to ask a simple question about how long is recommended to soak your feet in an ice bath after dancing for maximum value.  What I got as an answer was a dissertation on the many ways to prepare the feet and legs before dancing as well as restorative tips.

All the while the therapist lovingly applied accupressure to my forearm and scapula because he happened to notice that I was holding tension there!  He was able to determine the cause of the tension; lifting something too heavy within the last month, not so heavy as to hurt at the time of the incident but enough to cause some long term stress and inflammation – wow it’s true I had done some heavy lifting in my garden just 2 weeks ago and didn’t realize that the sore shoulder I thought was due to sleeping on it had been injured!

Needless to say, I was back for more of the mini-massage later that night during the milonga.  I had thought that I reached my maximum in stamina and would need to quit dancing before I started to get too tired and thus lose some of my motor function.  After the mini-massage (about 12 minutes of head and neck) I felt totally refreshed and when I re-joined the ladies at my table they all said I looked totally different, renewed even.  At that time we all decided that having the works – on a proper massage table – in-room would be a great way to prepare for the next nights milonga.  And the following day that is exactly what happened along with a few minis during the milongas  :~)

I can attest to the value we received by saying that I was able to stay until just shy of 4 AM – a personal record and I was dancing the entire time!

One of the other vendors who I became enchanted with Soft Chocolates® Designs by Betsy Henderson was selling dreamy fashions for women.  Tango for me is a romantic fantasy and I know that when I wear clothing that reflects that sentiment, I dance better and get all yummy feeling inside, that’s what keeps me coming back!

Soft Chocolates® are clothes that melt around you, feel sensuous, and are characterized by styles that allow the dancer to be you. Inspired by Argentine tango and the curves of the female dance form, seams flow and entwine. For company background, designer information and portfolio, please visit our company website.

Take a minute to peruse her website and  be sure to have some kleenex on hand, you will be drooling over the delicious fashions and the lovely way that they drape the feminine figure.  Regardless of your size or shape you will find these clothes make you feel as though you are the most beautiful woman in the room – guaranteed!

via Soft Chocolates by Betsy Henderson | Tango-inspired fashion for women.

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